Sunday, February 23, 2020

Big Boys Don't Cry.

I stumbled across this picture, I miss my Sweetie.
Sunday morning, and when I saw this picture of my Sweetie, I suddenly want to cry. So, I did. What good does it do to be macho and say "Big Boys don't Cry."? When that is a bunch of baloney. Big boys do cry. Whose going to know? I know you won't tell anyone else that I'm a big crybaby. 

There are times when I surprise myself with the pictures I post. When I select them, there isn't any pulling of the heart strings, then as they go on the page there is a change inside of me. I can feel the quivering inside of me, and heavy heart, the misty eyes then the tears and crying starts. It may last a moment or two, or longer. It all depends on when my heart can't take anymore. Then it needs a dumping of sorrow and a refreshing refill of love. Tears, Dementia, and Love, what a trio. 

Yesterday, Sweetie slept into 11. After breakfast, it was up to take a shower, washed her hair, and got ready for the day. Choice of activity was grocery shopping. There was a little sprinkle of rain, the clouds made for a gloom sky, so I did my best to keep Sweetie in a upbeat mood. As we walk the aisles she is holding onto my arm, like we're going to the prom, listening to the music in the background, catching a tune and humming along. I just thank God for those musical memories. They produce a knowing look, the twinkle in her eyes, and we smile that knowing secret smile. Poof, its gone. Easter Egg. 

Got an invitation to the Alzheimer's golf fund raiser, gosh has it been a year already? Played in it last year, had a good time. Don't know if daycare will allow me to bring Sweetie in early enough to get to the course in time for tee off. I'd like to play, so, I'll ask daycare. What is the worse they can say? No. 

I'm ahead of myself this morning, already planned on what to eat for dinner. Something that has come about, something simple. Mac and Cheese and hamburger. Yep, scramble the meat, cook the mac and cheese, and then mix them together. Simple, easy, and we have dinner with left overs. Last time I made this, Sweetie just went after it. I hope she does the same this time. 

Got ice cream for dessert and found out, I made a bad choice. Peanut Butter something. It has nuts in it, and Sweetie has developed a soft mouth and won't eat it. Oh darn. Next time, no nuts, please remind me of that next time. OK? 

Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder, it was good for me. 

The sun is making itself known, and there is a knock on the garage door. You know what that means, my Driver has arrived and He is ready to get this show on the road. The Road to Dementia Town. I had to stop and look at that phrase. Is it me, or does this sound like a title of a Bob Hope and Bing Crosby movie? If it is, the spot like is on us, me and my Driver. I've got my sunglasses on, looking cool, as we pull out of the garage, heading for the highway, and as always Keeping our Shinny Side Up, looking for the Easter Eggs, and may you, as always, as you motor to your destination, keeping your Shinny Side Up. We'll keep an eye out for you and wave when we see you. God Bless.   



1 comment:

Rose said...

Another great one!

A fitting farewell.

When we were young. I've been rummaging around and found this picture of Sweetie and me. We had been married for about a year when this...