Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year.

Me and my friend.


As this year comes to an end, I wish all of those who follow me and Sweetie, A Happy New Year. For me and Sweetie, we will be making the best out of it as we can. 

I don't have any hopes that 2022 will be better than this year. I can hope and pray that the Covid insanity will wind down to a more understandable way of life. I've come to the conclusion that covid is here to stay, and nothing we can do to stop it. We are going to have to live with it, just like all the other sickness that is in this world. 

Nothing that has been tried to eraticate it has worked. Mask, no mask, vacination, no vacination, social distanacing, no social distancing has stopped Covid and with each new strain becoming less deadly, the fear should be less then at the beginning. 

With Sweetie and me basically social isolating, getting outside as much as we can, and exercising as much as we can, I feel that we are going to make it through the Covid panic without difficulities. We are both physically healthy, and therefore, we will survive Covid.


Oh the pain. It is less then when I went to bed last night. Got up, put heat on it, got the vibrator out and ran it up and down on my knee. Trying to prepare to get Sweetie up and taking care of her. 

Today is our Bible study morning, and I don't want to miss it. So, up she comes, and we start the day. 

One of the new behavior pattern she is starting, it going back to her nest every chance she gets. I have to keep calling her back to the table, and have something to eat when she gets back. 

I've shortened the time inbetween doses and it seems to help. 

In my attempt to get her ready, and she cannot get her new shoes on, so after the meeting we are going shopping to get her a pair that fit. Once out, will stay out as long as possible. 

After the meeting, we head for Walmart. Upon coming to the shoe area, we stop, and I look for easy slip on type shoes. Grab a couple of pairs that look like they will fit the bill, and move on. It will be easier to try them on at home, then there at the store. Then we will return the ones that don't work for her. 

When we get home, she tries to help take in the groceries, and soon heads for her nest while I put away that which we bought. 

Later, when she gets up, we try on each pair, and there is one that is easy, and one that won't work, so we make plans to take them back and at the same time get what we missed the last time. 

As the day went on, my knee was getting better because we did buy a new knee support sleeve. It felt better the moment I put it on. By the end of the day, I could almost walk normally. 

We did make it to the mall for our walk about. It went well, and again, Sweetie was tuckered out by the time we finished. 

Home, dinner, and to our meeting. Meeting done, home again, and she went right to bed. For some reason, I didn't join her, stayed up and watched some TV. 

When I got into bed, she was in the middle of the bed. Made my adjustments, and sleep came quickly. 

Driver kept us going down the Road to Dementia Town. There wasn't much to navigate around, and so, He kept us in the fast lane most of the day. Only slowing down for a stop or two to stretch our legs. Al the while, we were Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. D'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.    


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Crash and burn.

Me and my Friend


I am angry and it is eating me up. I can't express it while I'm with her. It comes out when I am by myself, ususally on the golf course. When I am playing alone, I can yell, curse, and let it all out. If you came and caught me, you would think I was yelling at myself about a bad shot, or missed putt, but in reality, I'm mad at God, at Diane, and at life as it is. 

Dementia is more than a theft, it is a teasing bullie. The big brother taking away a toy, then taunting you to come a get it, then holding it up away from you so you can't get it. And if you try to ignore him, he does something to that toy that will make you angry all over again, and I know I can't win, so I beat myself up trying to make things better.

I tell myself, it isn't her fault, that she didn't plan on coming down with these mental problems, that she hates what is going on with her as much as I do. I remember when we were younger, and would see a show or movie, about Alzheimer's and say, "I hope that it doesn't happen to us." Well, it did, and I'm the one that is now the caregiver, and it sucks. 

Right now, my biggest complaint is that it isn't fair, it is not right, and I don't like it. At the sametime, this is what we have and the way we live is for me to be making the most out of it. There, now I feel better, getting that off my chest and dealing with it. 


It looked like a good morning at first. I went to her, and she took her morning dose easily enough. I left and went to work with setting up breakfast. When I returned, she wasn't willing to get up, and so with some encouragement, I got her up. She is waking up more and more with a stiff neck. It is something she was experencing before Dementia, and it is painful for her to first get up. I do my best to help, and she is up. 

Into the bathroom, and get the duty done. Here is where things go arie, she heads right back to bed. She won't have anything to do with getting up or eating. Knowing that if I work hard to get her up, the rest of the day will be like being boiled slowly all day long. 

I don't have a choice, so I head for the course. It is a cold morning, and instead of playing the small course, I thought I'd give the front nine a go at it. 

It isn't long after I get started, and miss a shot, then another, and my anger is getting a foothold, and soon I miss more shots then I have in a really long time. By now, the cursing starts, and, yes, I'm yelling about my game, but in reality, I realize, it is the strain of taking care of Sweetie that is being released. 

As it is, I soon catch up with a couple of men and join them. It only last for one hole, because on the next tee, I twist my knee, and down I go. The pain shot up from my knee, and I just laid there. Here I was so pleased with myself, because I had decided to take a cart this morning, instead of walking. I couldn't go any futher on foot, so I headed for the parking lot and home. Again, something good happened in doing this. 

I could barely walk and asked another golfer if he would asssist me in getting to the car, and taking the cart back. No problem there. 

When I got home, I was so much pain, I could barely stand it. Hobbled into the house, Sweetie was still in bed, and I was struggling on how to care for her. There was no way I could out maneuver her, so I just let her be. 

She was somewhere down the Dementia hole, and wasn't coming out soon. Gave her some Happy Medicine, and thought I'd put her on a once an hour regiment until she perked up. 

In the meantime, I was watching TV, cringing everytime I moved my leg, popping Ibuprofen for the pain, and putting heat on it. 

We needed to make a run to the grocery store, that didn't happen. Hoping that tomarrow will be better, just made due with what we have. 

As the day went on, Sweetie staying in bed, me on the couch, on the good side, that was the good side. 

Sweetie did come out and we had dinner, and then to bed. That was an experience in pain and agony. Everytime I moved, pain shot up my leg, and I struggled to find a comfortalbe position to find sleep. Soon, I was able, or the Ibuprofen kicked in, or both, and sleep came. 

What a wild ride today was. At one point, I thought we would crash and burn this day on the Road to Denentia Town. I saw the ditch heading our way very quickly. Driver with all His skill, avoided the danger, and we were able to continue with our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless. 


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Stewing over her "madness".

  My Friend and me.

Change, oh how I hate change, and at the same time, if it wasn't for change, life would be so boring. You may not notice it, on this blog, but I have. Small things, like this format. Before, I could put the caption right under the picture, now there is a space, and I don't like it. And then again, there isn't anything I can do about it either. 

In one of my morning prayers is the line, "accept the things I cannot change..." It is when I think that I'm in control, that I have the last say, that is when I'm in trouble. Sweetie is a continual reminder of that line. With her, there isn't any controlling her, just adjusting to keeping her well and safe as we travel together this adventure we are on. Of the things that I know with Sweetie, that for every action there is an unequal reaction. She has lost all ability to moderate her emotions to any stimulus. 

On the loving side, she is just fine, it is when she is being her Demented self that is the problem. You've heard the expression "trying to nail jello on the wall"? That about sums her up when Dementia takes over. Those are the trying times, the trouble times, and I dread them, mainly because, they are avoidable if I keep her on her Happy Medicine. 


Taking the bottle of her Happy Medicine in hand, I go into the bedroom to wake her up. She seems asleep, and as I approach the bed, she opens her eyes more. Yep, she was just laying there waiting for me. 

Leaving her to wake up some more, I mess around in the house. Feed the parakeet, turn on TV, so it will be on when she sits and eats her breakfast, pour her her cup of coffee, so it will be cool for her. Then back to get her up.

She isn't willing to get up, so I have to talk her into getting out of bed. It looks like she slept on her top sheet, so I won't have to wash everything this morning. Just change the one sheet, and make the bed. For me, that is a good thing.

With Sweetie on the potty, now is the time to get her ready, and today, it is bottom washing morning. Even with all the struggling I go through, it is best for her. I know how itchy the butt can be if not clean, and so, to make my day better, I put up with her complaining and rinse, soap and wash her bottom. She may not thank me for that service, but her personality is so much the better when the job is done. 

Today, after breakfast, I try to get her ready to come with me. She isn't in the mood to move. Been here before, and when she is like this, it is better for all, that I leave her home. Besides, there is a breeze, and she would be cold as soon as we were on the course.

Come to the understanding that no matter how much I bundle her up, she will be cold. So, for that reason alone, it is best for her to stay home. 

When I return, she is where I left her, watching TV. She seems happy to see me, and when I try to get her to come with me to do some grocery shopping, she won't budge. As a matter of fact, she heads for her nest. Which means she is mad at me again.

Pre-dementia, we could work out what upset her. Now, I just have to wait for her to reset herself. Most of the time, if I can get her out of the house, and doing something else, that helps. She isn't sitting in the house and stewing over her "madness". Today, she doesn't want to leave the house, and that leaves me waiting.

For the rest of the evening, she has her moments of handholding, smiling, and kisses. Then it is bed time, and it starts all over again. In bed, she is moving around, rubbing up against me, and in general, agitated. Somewhere in the night, sleep comes and we rest.

It wasn't the smoothest day on the Road to Dementia Town this day. There were plenty of rough pavement we travel over. Nothing too serious, just continual rough and noisy road. Yet, through it all, we were still able to Keep Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.  Arthur.    

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Where can we go?

 It has been a very good year.

As I care for my Sweetie, and think back on the year, I can say this year was a good year for us. We have now two ladies that come and take care of Sweetie for me, so I can get me some "My Time." Our new Tweety. Plans for '22, and we have been healty all year. No colds, no flu, no virus, and that is good. 
It seems that we've been able to work through the changes that have come with her Dementia. The lack of conversation has been replaced with guessing conversations that seem to help both of us in trying to understand what she is trying to tell me. 
Still working on potty training, it seems to be getting better, as I am getting better at being more patient with her as we work through this part of life. 
We seem to be riding a crest of good emtional feelings this year. I've often thought of where we could be, if I was resentful of having to care for her. Being aware of what she is going through, and at the same time, I'm working on how to be a better husband as I care for her. 
At one time, I was part of a family that had farm animals and couldn't take too many vacations because of the care that was needed while they were gone. Sometimes it feels like that. The main difference is that I can pack Sweetie up and take her with me. 
Anyway, where can we go? California? To visit my kids? Nope, Covid has California locked down, and mask mandates would take all the fun out of visiting there. That is about the only place I can think of at this point in time. So, we stay home, and just make the best out of where we are, and what we do to make the day go bye. 
We start our weekday routine. Sweetie is there, and so I give her a morning dose of Happy Medicine and wait. Last night, she didn't sleep on her top sheet, and I can see, we have a major change this moring. 
Getting her up, and into the bathroom is the normal task. This time, instead of sitting with her, I can do other things. So, as she sits, I start the stripping of the bed, and put the bedding in the washing machine. Look at me, I'm multi-tasking. 
Back to retrieve Sweetie, and head for breakfast. Her stay on the potty was successful, but not as successful as I'd like to see. Something is better than nothing. 
Back to giving her fruit first thing, that seems to help her regularity, and now, it is my attempt to help her be not so loose with her regularity. What is too much, or too little, fruit is the question I ask myself. 
Breakfast done, time to finish the bed, brush my teeth and head out to the golf course. It does not look too cold, and attempt to dress her accordingly, only to find out I dressed her too lightly. 
The course is busy, and we have wait time on the tee. This only makes Sweetie colder. When I spot a chance to jump ahead of the slower groups. It means I'll miss a couple of holes, but getting Sweetie out of the cold means more then playing all of the holes. It turns out to be that best of both worlds. Had a hole that was the best. It was what I call, "Should of been on TV." hole. A great drive, a beautiful second shot. Hit high and arched down onto the green, less then 6 feet away from the hole, 2 putt for the par. Then we headed for the car. 
I am confident in leaving Sweetie in the car, and then taking the cart to the return area. This way, Sweetie can start getting warm, and that is a good thing. 
Home for lunch, then off we go to the mall, to finish our afternoon. Today, my legs were giving me a hard time. We had to stop and rest until I could go on. We finished our laps and headed home. 
With three quarters of our day done, we sit and watch TV, then eat dinner, and head out of my Monday meeting. 
Meeting over, home, and get the jello out of dessert. Watch "Murder she wrote.", then off to bed we go. 
The road was smooth again this day. Driver has been very good at keeping us on this smooth section of the Road to Dementia Town lately. But, as life has taught me, there are some rough sections still to come. And that is life itself. It doesn't matter that much, as long as we can Keep Our Shiny Side Up, we will be fine. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.    

Monday, December 27, 2021

She is awake and waiting for me.

Christmas 2021 Sweetie and Me.
Monday, Christmas has come and gone. Sweetie and me are back to what might be called a normal life. Now we start the day as if there isn't anything special on the calendar for some time to come. 
Yes there is New Year's Eve still to go, and New Years Day, but those are just dates on the calendar. For me, the most important thing for us is taking down the old 2021 calendars' and putting up the 2022 calendars'. 
About the only thing that I'll miss after the new year, is it marks the end of Christmas music until next November. I will miss it. When I tell someone that is what we listen to over the holidays, they get this weird look on their face and cannot believe that I listen so long. 
If you want some kind of immorality, record a Christmas song, and it will play forever. If is wasn't for Christmas Carol, people like Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis would never be know. Every Christmas Season, they are brought back to life in song. Silver Bells, Here Comes Santa Claus and the rest, are proof of their endurance. Long may they live.  
Just let her sleep. There isn't any real reason to get her up. In the meantime, I can start taking the tree down. 
I told her that today, I was going to cut her hair, and cut my beard down. So, time to get going. Breakfast first, then to the kitchen and get the clippers out. 
Fixed her French Toast this morning. We haven't had that in a long time. She started using her fingers to eat and then switched to her fork. She is moving into that direction. It seems finger feeding is becoming more and more prevalent. 
I'm done, and she is still eating. I take advantage of her being at the table to finish taking down the tree. Bulbs first, then the star with the lights next. Getting the tree's box out, down it comes in three pieces. Move the plant back to its normal spot, and you would never know it was there, until next year. 
Now it is barber time. Clippers out, with the biggest guide on them, I attack her hair. It seems that I do a good enough job cutting her hair. She is more than willing to let me do what I have to do. Talking to her, and removing the growth, we soon are done. 
I've been saving this part, it is into the shower we go. She isn't too sure on this part, but into the shower she goes. Wash her hair, and the extra hair clipping off of her, dry her off, and then into my office for her nails to get done. 
It is a full treatment for her today. Haircut, shower, and nails. She looks marvelous. Back on to the couch, and I get to take my shower. 
Now, it is out of the house and off to the mall. It is going to be our walk about day. The mall seems extra busy today. As it should be. People out, gift cards in hand, and the after Christmas Sales are in full swing. 
As we walk, I pass the popcorn stand, only to find out, they are closing. Over the year, we have gotten to know the lady behind the counter. We say our good byes, and I'll miss you guys is said. It is sad to see them go. 
Home, to finish the day. It is our pasta night. Fast and easy it is. This time, I'm using our small shells for the pasta. We eat with gusto, and then cookies for dessert. 
Sweetie gets up and heads for bed. Too early for me, and so I watch that which I cannot watch with her there. 
Soon, I too head for bed only to find that she is awake and waiting for me. Into bed I get, with her snuggling up to me, we say our prayers, and off to slumber land we go. 
It was an easy ride today, down the Raod to Dementia Town. No rush, no dodging other cars, just a nice smooth pavement for a change. Driver had his cap cocked back, one hand on the wheel, the other on the back of the seat, and all was good. As we went, Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.   

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas Day.

Christmas 2021
It is now the day after Christmas, the presents given, opened and enjoyed. The meal was different and it was good. The family was having a good time. Sweetie was well taken care of by the grandsons. And it was for all, a Merry Christmas. 
Now is also the time I have put aside to take Christmas down. This morning will be the tree, and picking up those small items I got out. Later today, the inflatable Nativity will also come down. I'll leave the light projectors up until after New Year's Eve. 
I have a number of Christmas t-shirts and this year, I'm going to put them in with all the Christmas decorations. I was thinking of a new one for next year and will ask our creative daughter to make it for me.  
The thought came to me this morning about the up and coming wedding. I don't think she wants us there. It seems to make her plan work, just the pastor and them, the marriage ceremony is at 8am. She thinks that it would be too difficult for me to get her mom up and going. That might be, but isn't that our choice to make? If I hadn't asked about it, I wonder when she would of told us about it? Anyway, it is just another log in the fire, and if that is what she wants, then that is what she will get. 
Christmas day
Because of what happened during the night, our little romp into yesteryear, the bed is wasted. Sweetie didn't wear any pants, and the results were what you expected them to be. 
At first she didn't want to get up, and I understood. I don't really want to get her up, but to get the bed made, I need to strip the bed and wash everything. This all happened at the same time when our backup mattress cover was in the washer, waiting to be washed. There isn't enough time to get all the wash done, so I get what we can done while we are still here. 
What I find surprising is that I'm not upset about the extra pressure that has been brought to bear. Just take it one thing at a time. Nothing is life threatening. I was planning on leaving when it was closer to being there on time. Late is going to be one of my new motto's. Don't let the clock run your life. Around the time will be good enough for us. 
As it turns out, we are the last ones to arrive. So, what is going to happens, happens when we walk in the door. To add to my Santa look, I took a red pillow case and put the presents in it. It worked and all enjoyed my effort.
Dinner isn't a traditional Christmas dinner. She set up more of a buffet with biscuits, lunch meats, chips and dip, home-made mac and cheese, and it turned out to be a fun meal. Sweetie wasn't sure, and I knew she'd like the mac & cheese the best, and I was right. She ate it eagerly.
After the meal, it was present time. We hit the winner button with the grandsons. It was nice to see their smiling faces with the look of wonder as each opened and found what they had got. 
After about 2 hours, Sweetie was ready to head home. Wrapping up our treasures, we headed home. 
Made the bed, finished the laundry, and set in to watch TV until bed time. It seemed that no matter what I put on to watch, it was too much for her. She got upset with any violence, make believe or not, and she wouldn't eat. Soon, she headed off to bed, and I just let her go. She was worn out. 
Later, she returned, and we watched "Zootopia", and it was just the right amount of everything. Then it was bedtime, and off we went. Christmas done, and a good night sleep was needed. 
There isn't anything like the day of driving down the Road To Dementia Town on Christmas day. Because of the emotional exercise, never know when one will be ambushed by something. Driver was on His game, as usual. Knowing just when to switch lanes, avoid the bumps and potholes of the day. We cruised down the road and with that in mind, we were able to Keep Our Shiny Side Up all the way to the end of the day. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.      

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Eve day.

From Sweetie & Me, 
Merry Christmas

It is Christmas morning. I'm up, Sweetie is awake and moving, I hope she goes back to sleep, for we have a long day ahead. 

We have been through a lot this year and at the same time, it feels that we are where we were at the beginning of the year. Sweetie has changed, and I know that and yet, it is hard for me to see the changes from this time last year to now. 

It is the slow changes that happen, and when they happen, you can't put your finger on the time and place they happened. 

Sometimes, I feel that we are in a Broadway play, that is on the road. We know our lines, and we know what to do when the curtain goes up, it is what city we are in? It is a different beginning of the day that sets which script we are going to be using. The opening lines maybe different, it is the ending that is the same. 


Let's keep Sweetie regimented and with that thought, it is time to get her out of bed. Watching her has made me realize that she just doesn't sleep very well. She will appear to be asleep, and then she moves, and I can see her eyes are open, and she just lays there. 

It doesn't take much to get her up this morning, and with her feet on the carpet, we start our day. 

Everything seems to be going well, and it looks drizzly outside, and there are chances of rain today. According to the weather report, if it rains, it will be later in the day, so I plan on a trip to the golf course. 

Sweetie is up and breakfast is done. I have to do a load of laundry this morning. She was able to get just about all of the sheets and bedding wet this morning. After making the bed, and getting the wash started. Looking outside, rain has stopped, but the winds have kicked up. Which means, no golf today. 

It is going to be busy anyway. My oldest from California calls to let me know a package will arrive today. She is tracking it, and will let me know when it is here. OK???

In the mean while, we have other things to do. I have gifts to wrap, placed to go, and company coming over. 

First the wrapping of gifts. We are down to two rolls of Christmas wrapping paper, and I'm thinking next week we'll make a run to Hobby Lobby, and pick up wrapping paper, and cards for the next couple of years. Then I will only have to come up with birthday wrapping paper for the rest of the year. Leaning how to plan ahead. 

Gifts wrapped, and into the car we go. Over to a friends house for a quick gift exchange. Nothing too formal, we have been doing it for years. 

On the way home, our other company calls us, they are at the door, and wondering where we are. They are early, but understand, we are just acouple of minutes away. 

Daughter makes homemade gifts. She is good at making unique shirts. For the past couple of years, I've gotten a Angel baseball shirt, and she makes something special for her mom. They have brought pizza, and we eat, talk, open gifts, and soon they are off to visit some of their other friends and family. 

As we watch TV, and wait for us to go to our evening meeting, warm up the remaining pizza for our dinner, have some pudding, and when the time is right, we head out. 

There are other cars in the parking lot, and I'm thinking, people are coming to the meeting. Only to see that it is the church's Christmas Eve service. Our meeting has only me and two others. We have our meeting, and head home. 

We go straight to bed hoping for a good nights sleep. That doesn't happen, for Sweetie wants to play. That is fine with me, and we play lovers. She is laying close to me, and that is where we fall to sleep. 

Busy road today. Thought it was going to get out of hand today. Driver, knowing what the weather will bring, and the lanes to best drive in, we are traveling down the Road to Dementia Town, safe and sound, Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless, and have a Merry Christmas.   Arthur.

Friday, December 24, 2021

As she slowly relaxes.

Door sock.

There isn't much room between the glass door and our front door. I found that this sock fit the space nicely. So, here it is. 

It is Christmas Eve morning, and I'm pondering the day ahead. There is a chance of rain this afternoon, and with it come and very small chance of snow. It used to be that December was a very snowey month here in New Mexico. Over the years, that has changed. The snow is less and less, and the rains follow the same pattern. 

With life comes change, and with change, there are always new problems and new solutions. As for Sweetie and me, we face the same facts of life. New problems and with those problems, comes new solutions. 

Today, the specialities of Christmas Eve are different then, say ten years ago. We would be making plans of a Christmas service, singing in the choir, then a gathering of friends afterwards. Now, it will be her youngest daughter and her fiancé, and pizza. If things go right, her son, our grandson, will be calling from halfway around the world, to wish us a Merry Christmas. Any family is better than no family at all. 


Had to work at getting Sweetie up this morning. It took two times me coming in to get her to move, and as usual, once up, the day can get started. 

I guess I've been giving her enough fruit, for she is have loose movements. A good and bad thing. Good she is working, bad because of the mess it makes. Just have to take the good with the bad. I just wish I could find that happy medium. But like some many things with Dementia, they seem to be moving goals. I just have to be glad something works after all. 

As we get going, I have to ask her about going to the golf course with me. I know now, that if she doesn't want to go, I can wait and ask her again, and she will be willing to head out with me. 

When we get back home, I find she has had another movement, and clean up has begun. At the same time, she is very tired, and after the clean up, she heads for her nest. Down she goes, and she is out. 

She gets up around 4, and I have to hurry dinner, because we have to leave in a couple of hours. It is when we are about to leave, she won't budge. Thinking she will be OK if I leave her home, for I've done this trick before, I'm gone. 

Upon my return, she has worked herself into a frizzle, and cannot be comforted. Able to get some CBD in her, and at the same time knowing that her emotions will overrule the CBD, I batten down the hatches, and wait out the storm. 

She is laying very close to me, and at the same time, trying to push me away. When her fears team up with Dementia, it is something to behold. Only time, loving caresses, and patience will help now. As she slowly relaxes, we can welcome sleep. Day is done.

It was a bumpy ride today on the Raod to Dementia Town. We could not find the right lane to get into, or even the right speed to travel at. Either road conditions or other drivers made the trip uneasy. Driver did what He does best and we were still able to Keep Our Shiny Side Up this day. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Such is life with Sweetie.

Getting close.

A few things have changed and my love of the season and Santa hasn't. If anything, it has gotten stronger. 

This picture was taken over two years ago, pre-pandemic, and Santa wasn't as busy as he is this year. As Sweetie and I walk the mall, going past where he has set up shop, we see he is very busy. People are lined up to see him. Parents with their little babies, small tottlers, and even big kids. It seems that Santa has a whole new audience. 

As for me, I find my joy in waking, talking, and singing to my Sweetie. As we walk around the mall, I'm aware of her and her energy levels. Early in the walk, she is responsive to me, and as we go, her level of awareness fades. So far, so good. 

One of the things I find myself doing, is doing things without her. Simple stuff, like doing the dishes after a meal. Especially the dinner dishes. If I'm not sitting next to her, she will get up and head for her nest. I just have to get over the idea of being with her 24/7, and do the dishes, then retrieve her when all is done. It will beat doing the dishes in the morning. 


Another morning, and she is her usual self. Sees me and smiles. I bring her wake up medicine with me. There are times, like this morning, that she fights me. So, I have to take my time and convince her to take it. 

Last night, when I came to get into bed, the covers were amess. Had to turn on a light to see what was going on. Sweetie had pulled up the covers, and that is when I discovered she had pulled her pullups down. Stuggled to get them back up, she was not coopertive at all. 

After she was re-dressed, I got in, only to find her very amorous. More so then in a long while. It didn't lead to anything but a rekindling of times past. It soon passed, and we went to sleep. 

I was awake for sometimes afterwards, and we didn't get much sleep for the rest of the night. 

So, when I got her up, and out for breakfast, she wanted to go back to bed. After we had breakfast, and was getting ready to leave for the course, she just wasn't ready to go. Just too tired. 

Taking the oppertunity to be a single, single, I headed for the course. Played the front nine, instead of the executive course. It was good for a change. Played with another single, and talked about golf during the round. 

Home, lunch, and off again to the mall for our walk about. With it being the week before Christmas, the mall was like a ant hill. People all over the place. Passing by shops with people galore in them, and knowing the merchant's were happy again. Passing Santa, there was a line of children and their parents lined up to get their picture taken with him. 

We did have one more stop before going home, to the grocery store we went. Again, the last minute shopper were there. While we were still in the parking lot, one of the employee's told us to grab a basket while in the parking lot, because there were none in the store. That was very nice of her, so I did and it was a good one. 

With Sweetie holding on to one hand, and I'm pushing the cart with the other, we dutifully go from one aisle to another to gather our supplies. Then out and home. 

After putting things away, pop a bag of popcorn, grab a soda, and we sit down for the rest of the day. 

After dinner, I got out my DVD of "The Polar Express." and we watched that, as our Christmas movie of the night. 

When I got into bed, Sweetie had removed her top wetsheet, and put it on my side of the bed. Too late to try and get her to sleep on it, so that means, more than likely, I'll have to change the sheets, and other wet sheets in the morning. Such is life with Sweetie. 

Driver was doing His best this morning. A little tired from a short nights sleep. Grabbing a cup of coffee, we get in for the days journey on the Raod to Dementia Town. Watching Driver pilot us down the way, as we Kept Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur. 



Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Coffee and chocolate.

Soon, very soon. Ho, ho, ho.

Yesterday was the winter equinox. The longest night of the year, and that meant it was the shortest day of the year. Even with the knowledge that it was all in the same 24 hour day. 

Outside my window, I watch the sunrise move from where it is now, the southern most sunrise, to start moving north, to the longest day of the year in June. As the sun moves, so does the seasons. Winter is upon us, and with that, spring is getting closer. What will 2022 bring us? For that, we'll just have to wait and see. 

For there are many forks on the Road to Dementia Town, and they all lead to the same place, it is just how smooth, or how difficult the road will be is yet to be known. 


Sweetie gets up easily enough. And with that we're off. She's wet, and so that means, she is getting enough water in her system. I know that dehydration is something that needs to be avoided. The weight of her pullups is a good indicator of how much liquid she take in. Don't enjoy the clean up, but the opposite is worse. 

We have a new cereal to try. It has almonds and stuff in it. In the past, she wouldn't eat crunchy stuff in cereal. It was, as if, she was telling me that it didn't belong in her cereal. This time, she ate it with gusto. 

It looks like it is going to be another beautiful winter day. Blue skies, in the 40's, with bright sunlight. No wind or breeze to speak of, and with that we're in the car and going to the course. 

Sweetie is bundle up warmly. I've got her winter jacket on her, double pants, and gloves. The sock/mitten seems to working out quite well. The nice thing is that she accepts it for what it is. 

There are a couple of men on the first tee and a chance to have some company this round. Ask if I can join them, and it is accepted. 

We tee off, and the game begins. Knowing nothing about these two playing ability, we're off. It seems that we play about the same, and it was a good outing. 

I was playing fairly well, good enough to birdie the 8th hole, and that made my day. 

Home for lunch, and preparing to head out for the bank. Need to make a depost. And we are going to do our walk about.

I have one last gift to buy for a friend. I've been so lucky to have him in my life. We've been through so much together. I was at his side as he lost his vison, go through a divorce, and the many other events that life can dish out. So, I try to find something special for him. This year, it is going to be some special coffee, and chocolate. 

After all of my chores are done, we head home for dinner and the end of the day. 

It was a good choice today, on the Road To Dementia Town. We had some lovely hill to watch go by, and the road was smooth. So, it was easy to Keep Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Until the bridge needs to be crossed.

Sweetie and Santa

How things change without changing. When I selected this picture, thought, it is a current one. It isn't. It is her wearing her glasses that give it away. She hadn't worn glasses for over two years now. Then again, I still get her into her Santa shirt every year. 

I mentioned getting her on the scales, and seeing that she has gained weight. And in the next thing I notice about her, is that she seems more fragile then ever. It is just the way she carries herself. She isn't standing straight anymore, more bent over than usual. 

Just seems that she isn't as coherent as she used to be. Example, getting into the car when we go anywhere, I just have to explain what we are doing, and she gets in. Buckling her seatbelt is again, sometimes an effort. I've found that if I tell her I'm buckling her up for safety, she seems to understand better. 

Then she seems to be messing with something everytime she gets into the car. arranging the water bottle, or my trash bag, just something to make her feel better about getting into the car. Of course, I let her do it, because it doesn't matter at the time, because we still have to travel, and if she is happy, that makes a big difference with her in the car. 

I've been told, in my support group, that there will come a time when she will not want to leave the house. That is when things will get ruff with how I will handle that. If I worry about it now, I think I'll drive myself crazy on answers to questions that haven't been asked yet. Need to wait until the bridge needs to be crossed, than figure it out. 


It is time to get her up. Seeing that she is awake, go in and greet her. Opening up the curtians enough to let the light in, she smiles. After our morning greeting, I give her some CBD. Telling her I'll be back. Leave to let it get started in her. 

Coming back, telling her our plans for the day, I can get her up with minimal effort. She gets herself up, I just need to help her from laying back down. 

As I guide her towards the bathroom, our morning has begun. 

Out of the bathroom, and headed towards the living room and breakfast. I've got her morning coffee waiting for her. I poured it earlier and so it is warm, not too hot, for her enjoyment. Then comes the cereal, Raisin Brand with banana, and toasted biscuit to finish the meal. 

I've got time, so I let her sit at the table, while I make the bed, put dirty cloths and bedding into the washer, and get myself ready for the golf course. 

This morning, I want to ensure she stays warm while we are out. Put two pairs of pants on her. This is the time of year, that I wear long johns to keep me warm, so she should wear the same. Knowing that she gets colder faster then me, I need to keep that in mind as we head out the door. 

The men in the pro shop, have taken to greeting her warmly. At first she wasn't sure on how to react to them, and now, she is smiling and returning their greetings. It is a joy for me to watch the interplay that goes on. 

With a normal outing, we head home. Sweetie still got just a litter on the cool side this morning, so tomorrow, I'll put on her heavier coat. 

Lunch, walk about, couch time, and then dinner. After dinner, it is to our Monday night meeting. Home and to bed to end the day. 

Lately, she has become a bedhog. Sleeping diagonal, not just up and down. Like I'm being crowded out of the bed. I don't like to, but I have to move her over to her side of the bed so I can get to sleep. I think it might be time for a extra blanket to keep us warm at night. We'll see. 

It was just a grand day on the Road to Dementia Town. Had just the amount of time on the road, in the rest areas, and triffic was lite. No problems with Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur. 

A fitting farewell.

When we were young. I've been rummaging around and found this picture of Sweetie and me. We had been married for about a year when this...