Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Where can we go?

 It has been a very good year.

As I care for my Sweetie, and think back on the year, I can say this year was a good year for us. We have now two ladies that come and take care of Sweetie for me, so I can get me some "My Time." Our new Tweety. Plans for '22, and we have been healty all year. No colds, no flu, no virus, and that is good. 
It seems that we've been able to work through the changes that have come with her Dementia. The lack of conversation has been replaced with guessing conversations that seem to help both of us in trying to understand what she is trying to tell me. 
Still working on potty training, it seems to be getting better, as I am getting better at being more patient with her as we work through this part of life. 
We seem to be riding a crest of good emtional feelings this year. I've often thought of where we could be, if I was resentful of having to care for her. Being aware of what she is going through, and at the same time, I'm working on how to be a better husband as I care for her. 
At one time, I was part of a family that had farm animals and couldn't take too many vacations because of the care that was needed while they were gone. Sometimes it feels like that. The main difference is that I can pack Sweetie up and take her with me. 
Anyway, where can we go? California? To visit my kids? Nope, Covid has California locked down, and mask mandates would take all the fun out of visiting there. That is about the only place I can think of at this point in time. So, we stay home, and just make the best out of where we are, and what we do to make the day go bye. 
We start our weekday routine. Sweetie is there, and so I give her a morning dose of Happy Medicine and wait. Last night, she didn't sleep on her top sheet, and I can see, we have a major change this moring. 
Getting her up, and into the bathroom is the normal task. This time, instead of sitting with her, I can do other things. So, as she sits, I start the stripping of the bed, and put the bedding in the washing machine. Look at me, I'm multi-tasking. 
Back to retrieve Sweetie, and head for breakfast. Her stay on the potty was successful, but not as successful as I'd like to see. Something is better than nothing. 
Back to giving her fruit first thing, that seems to help her regularity, and now, it is my attempt to help her be not so loose with her regularity. What is too much, or too little, fruit is the question I ask myself. 
Breakfast done, time to finish the bed, brush my teeth and head out to the golf course. It does not look too cold, and attempt to dress her accordingly, only to find out I dressed her too lightly. 
The course is busy, and we have wait time on the tee. This only makes Sweetie colder. When I spot a chance to jump ahead of the slower groups. It means I'll miss a couple of holes, but getting Sweetie out of the cold means more then playing all of the holes. It turns out to be that best of both worlds. Had a hole that was the best. It was what I call, "Should of been on TV." hole. A great drive, a beautiful second shot. Hit high and arched down onto the green, less then 6 feet away from the hole, 2 putt for the par. Then we headed for the car. 
I am confident in leaving Sweetie in the car, and then taking the cart to the return area. This way, Sweetie can start getting warm, and that is a good thing. 
Home for lunch, then off we go to the mall, to finish our afternoon. Today, my legs were giving me a hard time. We had to stop and rest until I could go on. We finished our laps and headed home. 
With three quarters of our day done, we sit and watch TV, then eat dinner, and head out of my Monday meeting. 
Meeting over, home, and get the jello out of dessert. Watch "Murder she wrote.", then off to bed we go. 
The road was smooth again this day. Driver has been very good at keeping us on this smooth section of the Road to Dementia Town lately. But, as life has taught me, there are some rough sections still to come. And that is life itself. It doesn't matter that much, as long as we can Keep Our Shiny Side Up, we will be fine. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.    

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I love your posts, I scan the unread messages and jump to yours when I see your name

A fitting farewell.

When we were young. I've been rummaging around and found this picture of Sweetie and me. We had been married for about a year when this...