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@ Meteor Crater |
I could be that for along time, I wasn't one that was fun to be around, and that image of me still exist in there minds. Or, that they are worried on what to do if she gets into one of her "Dementia moods". I get depressed sometimes when I think about it, then again, I don't want her to get confused by one of the siblings takes her without me. I don't know. When I'm alone, I want help, and at the same time, I afraid that it would cause more problems then it is worth.
Well, the Coronavirus is now affecting us personally. Got a message that Daycare will be shut down for 4 weeks. That means that if I want some alone time, I will need some help from the kids, and at the same time, I don't know where they have been and who they have seen, and the worry goes around and around. One thing in our favor, we are both physically healthy. We don't take any prescription drugs for health reasons and we do get out and walk a lot. I feel that if by chance either one of us contact the virus, we have a better than average possibility of surviving it.
Yesterday, was my golf day and Sweetie's daycare day. It went well for both of us. It was also a light CBD day. I didn't giver her any after I picked her up, just to test to see how she would react for the rest of the day. We got home and worked on our puzzle for awhile, and then spent the evening watching our cooking shows and the Big Bang Theory. I've found that she will watch the cooking shows quite well. Short bits of cooking different dishes doesn't tax her too much. She doesn't have to try to watch something for 2 hours to come to the end of a plot and understand the beginning for the ending.
I'm planning to take her to the movies today, and that will depend on if the movie theater will be open today. Going to see "I still believe." A love story and Sweetie can still follow a love story movie. So, I'm hoping that the theater will be open. It caves about 3 hours out of our day. If not, I'm sure we'll get through the day. I was told that the zoo has been closed, so there goes another place to visit. If nothing else, there is always the walk around the block. Thank goodness the weather has improved enough that walks are now possible and enjoyable.
I know that like time, this pandemic will pass, just how soon? When it has run its course. I've heard 3-4 months, I'm hoping that the peak will happen in 2 months, or sooner. Its the recovery period back to what will be a new normal will take much, much longer. As a society goes, we will be like a soldier who just got his orders home, and is trying to survive the next 24 hours. Even after the all clear has been sounded, people will be slow to resume normal life activities. For those of us who will be bold enough to venture out, we will be observed by those who will say we are acting dangerously, 'cause you can't trust what or who is in charge to be telling you the truth. My philosophy is, I'm not getting out of this life alive, so I might as well enjoy it as best I can, and those that don't, that is up to you.
Right now, I don't have time to worry about those around me, my whole world is centered on taking care of Sweetie. If there was a reason not to get sick, she is it. No one can care for her like I can. I just pray that when the Lord appears at our door, its for her first.
That is one of the things that me and my Driver talk about. He never gives me a straight answer on that. It's always something about that intersection and getting there when the time comes. Frustrating but at the same time comforting as we drive down the Road to Dementia Town, watching out for pot holes and Easter Eggs. Here we go, I'm the one with the cool sunglasses on, in the Shiny car. If you'd like a ride, always got room for one more. Smiling as we go, keeping our Shiny Side Up. Take care, catch ya tomorrow. God Bless.
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