Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A new pattern.

Want to buy a timeshare in Hawaii? 

Sorry to say, no, but that is what we did. To get some of the best tourist deals and discounts while we were there, we had to sit through a timeshare pressure cooker. Believe it or not, Dementia was a great way to say no to the pressure. Even if we could afford it, and had the time to enjoy it, something that takes that much pressure cannot be all good. 

Where was I? Oh yea, yesterday, it seems to be the theme of these blogs, and rightly so. For it is a review of what happened and how it is shaping my thinking on how to get from sunup to sunset, and we made it. 

I'm finding that Sweetie is awake when I go get her. It doesn't matter what the time is, she is usually awake, and there are the mornings that when she sees me, she is smiling, and then there are the mornings that she has a bewildered look on her face. Those are the mornings that turn into difficult mornings. 

Those are the times she just refuses to help. It isn't that she knows what she wants to do, it is just she doesn't want to do what I want her to do. The adult child not wanting to do what she is being told what to do. There never seems to be any reason, just doesn't want to be told what to do. When it comes to changing her, and cleaning her up, I do force her and get things done. 

There seems to be a new pattern setting up. When she has to submit to my authority, she will go back to bed for awhile. Then up, and smiling. Her fighting me takes a lot of energy out of her, so she refreshes herself. 

Adding Hemp Oil to her food seems to be working out. As the same with laxatives. Got a movement out of her yesterday, and was happy. I'm hoping for more action today. It has been 3 days before something happened, I'll slow down the laxatives today, and see how she does. 

Senior care called yesterday, wanting to know if we will still be wanting to use daycare when the pandemic is over. Of course we will, I think Sweetie will be able to handle it better now. She isn't as headstrong as she was before the pandemic hit. To be honest, I think it will be '22 before the senior care centers open again, so I won't worry about it till then. 

Who knows where we'll be, as we are traveling down the Road to Dementia Town. One of the things is that there are not any mile makers, or travel distances between each day. We get in with our Driver, and He whisks us away, down the road we go. Keeping our Shiny Sides Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless.  

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A fitting farewell.

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