Sunday, January 26, 2020

TV watching, Hemp Oil as a savior.

 My Sweetie Pie from 4 years ago.

Saturday, it is a day that we have to figure out what to do. The weekends that used to be times of relaxation, housework, working in the yards, visiting with the kids, is now a day that tax's my imagination. I'm grateful when she sleeps in. It gives me less hours to find something to do. I'd be happy to sit and watch TV, eat and be happy. 

What I've found out, is that Dementia can only watch so much TV before it becomes bored. Being bored is a dangerous place to be. Dementia soon creates images, stories, desires that have to acted out, and now is the time to act out. When I try to counter or put to rest her imaginary stories or plans, it just quickly takes that disk out of the player and puts another story to be acted on. This is when I thank God for CBD Hemp oil and Stress Relief lotion. In about 30 to 45 minutes, Sweetie is back down and out of the tree. 

We had a couple of Oatmeal explosions yesterday, and  I found out something that will work, and work well. Sweetie is into shadowing phase of her Dementia and I can use it to get her into the shower. I tell her I'm going to take a shower, and ask her if she would like to join me. One heck of a way to get her cleaned up, and a full shower at the same time. 

We've talked about sitting on the toilet and the urgency to get off and out. I tried something different. I read to her while we were there. I found an old Bible, the Message, translated into modern language, more like love letters, and read from the Book of Psalms. She relaxed, and kept looking at the pages as I read. She loved it, and so did I. (Easter Egg.) 

If nothing else, life is differently not boring. I have to be on my toes when I'm with her. When we are driving somewhere, I have to talk to her, answering her ever circling question, which I in turn ask back to her. When we are walking the mall, I've started making little limericks. Make up poems, that make her smile, her eyes twinkle, and it seems for that short time all is well.  As for now, I'll be heading down the road, You'll know me, I've got the Shiny Side Up. God Bless.



Karen said...

Glad you had a good day! I have just started on this journey with my Mom and find it to be such a challenge. Your coping ideas are very helpful. Thank you for sharing.

Tjaramillo63 said...

Happy Sunday!

Sue said...

Have a great Sunday, you and Sweetie Me. Artemus! The blog is going well! Good job! Hugs

You are my Sunshine said...

My mom went through years of phases, she was diagnosed early at 55. I was blessed to have my siblings to steer through the years and the phases. I determined early on that using humor and laughter helped immensely with her later years. Enjoying the read.💜💜💜

Candy said...

We went through this with my dad for over 10 years, now my mom is starting! Lordy it's a long road. Take care of yourself as well as your sweetie.

Storm@ said...

Kudos to you!❤

Margaret said...

Hello. I just joined the Dementia Family Support Group. My mom has dementia. I was so down tonight, but reading your posts is really helping. Thank you so much. God bless you. Margaret - Kodiak Island.

A fitting farewell.

When we were young. I've been rummaging around and found this picture of Sweetie and me. We had been married for about a year when this...