Friday, March 27, 2020

Gloomy evenings, long sundowners.

2012, Tucson, Navy Squadron Reunion.

I know I've said this before, so I'll say it again. Going through old picture albums and finding these pictures of Sweetie bring back so many memories. To see her strong, mentally alert, and alive and whole. You know, I really didn't know how much I love her until these days of her depending on me. In the darkness of Dementia, the one bright candle is my love for her. Even now, she can stop me and that love for her will grab me and I'm hers. 

Yesterday started shaky, I had planned for showers for us, Sweetie did pretty good. Got her hair washed, that is the biggest goal to get done, and washer her lower regions is even bigger goal. She has been getting red and tender on her bottom and I just don't know how to protect her. I've been thinking about a diaper rash cream. Prep H is good, helps a lot, not really made for what she is going through. 

We did some yard work and pulled weeds. Sweetie would help, then get anxious, sit down, then come back to help some more. I talked about this yesterday, her need to help over whelms her and it is in her nature to be helpful. Years ago, I used to get upset when she was helping me because I felt she was just getting in the way, now I cherish it. 

Two things about yesterday. The weather, it was blowing and raining so we couldn't go walking, and the long gloomy evening. Because we couldn't walk, we went on a car ride, just to get out of the house. Drove around for about an hour. Then the evening. It seemed to drag on forever. I was giving her some CBD oil about every 2 hours. She struggled mightily with her sundowners. To calm herself, she cuddled up to me, head on my shoulder, whimpering
about how dumb she is and how she isn't worth anything.   Oh how I hate those nights. Knowing that it is going to get worse as time goes on. 

If I know Dementia's patterns, I believe that Sweetie is about to move to a new place in her travels to Dementia Town. She's showing some attitudes that would make you think she is getting better, that sliding scale of degrees of Dementia. When I recognize it, it means she is getting ready for a move. Where she will land is yet unknown, I just have to be ready to adjust to her new normal. 

Golly, I've been rattling on and on and it is time to wrap it up. My Driver is in the kitchen getting a cup of coffee and is ready when I am. Of course that means, get your butt in the car and lets get this show on the road. I've learned to follow His suggestions, things always turn out better when I do. So, off again, down that Road to Dementia Town. Oh, yea, I did find some Easter Eggs yesterday. They came early in the day, yard work, if you can imagine. Tank is full and my Driver is eager to get going. Wonders to behold are waiting as we go, Keeping our Shiny Side Up. We always have room for one or two more if you care to join us. Just wave and we'll stop by. If not, make sure you keep an eye out for your Easter Eggs as you go, driving down the road Keeping your Shiny Side Up. Till tomorrow, Love Ya, God Bless.  

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A fitting farewell.

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