Friday, October 2, 2020

Descend down the stair case to oblivion.

Thee generations.

It is a shame that Sweetie doesn't remember these days. We know that as the progression of this disease goes, these memories are gone, and will never be returned to her again. It doesn't do me any good to fret over these steps as we descend down the stair case to oblivion. Life goes on, and there isn't anything I can do or say that will change that. I can only hold Sweetie as close as I can and for as long as I can, until the trumpet sounds and she is carried home. 

When I think of the days that are ahead, and want to ask the question "Why?", I know that there is an answer, and that will be reveled to me, usually, when I'm not looking. I will find the answer long after it has been given. For right now, I know I'm being formed into a person that I never thought I'd be. I'm more loving, more caring, more gentle and less angry and willing to put myself second. 

Learned something yesterday, not to have a big lunch, and then expect to see her eat dinner a short time later. She can't say, "I'm not hungry" what she does is early in the meal, she will start playing with her food, moving it about, smoothing it, and try to put more food on her fork, or spoon, spilling it, and keep trying. At the same time, telling me, she doesn't know how to do it. I've found that if I take her bowl and load up the fork, and then she will eat. She is loosing that bit of independence of feeding herself. 

By the way, Ensure on the cereal, it is working well. She eats it as if it is milk. By now I'm sure she doesn't know the difference. I believe that I can cut down on the amount of cereal and with a bit of banana, and the Ensure, she is getting more protein then she got before with a full serving of cereal. 

Driver is reassuring me that I'm doing a good job in taking care of one of His daughters. He tells me that she is special, and needed a special man to watch over her. I believe that this is my mission in life, and with the firm hand on my heart, I'm doing His bidding. Driver knows, that little sayings can help. Things like:

Yesterday is History
Tomorrow is a Mystery
Today is a Present
A gift to be opened and enjoyed.

So, come and caravan with Driver and me, as we travel down the the Road to Dementia Town. With our Shiny Sides Up, opening up our presents as we go. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless. 


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A fitting farewell.

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