Monday, October 26, 2020


Grandson's boot camp graduation.

This picture of Sweetie's daughter and grandson. It was taken with Lake Michigan as a back drop. 

We had so much of a better day, yesterday. There is so much to tend to while caring for Sweetie. For much, it is everyday, and it is just part of life for us. Its the little things, like leaving something out of your bag when you travel, and get to your destination  to realized that you left it home. 

I'm substituting, or should I say, trying to find other things that work. For instance, I'm now giving her Ensure on her cereal, and sharing a glass with her. She has forgotten how to swallow pills, so I can't give her her vitamins anymore. I've noticed that at meal times, she chews and chews and it is hard for her to swallow. So, I'm incorporating softer foods in our meals. 

When I got her up, she was perkier than the day before. She had been up and gotten her glasses and for whatever the reason, she likes to sleep with her glasses on. I'm afraid that she will break them, or hurt herself by doing that. We've had some real knockdowns about her going to bed with them on. 

After we changed her pullups, dressed and went down stairs, the first order of the day was CBD and a dab of Stress Lotion on her wrist. Got the day off with getting and staying on the right foot. I'm trying a regimentation of a dose every 3 hours. If I go much longer than that, she will fight me as I give it to her. When that happens, I reevaluate the time schedule. 

Today is going to be a test for me and her. The temps have taken a nose dive and there is a chance of snow. So we won't be going to the golf course today. As a matter of fact, just going outside will be a challenge. I think I'm going to try to go to two different malls today. One in the morning, and the other in the afternoon. More for me, than Sweetie. She doesn't remember one from the other, I'd just like to break up the monotony. 

Monotony, boring, repetitious, same old thing, this is the way of living that I must learn to enjoy, for they fill the time between events. Driver tells me that they are in the valleys of life. That is where I can refresh, relax, and renew myself. The mountain tops are special and take a lot of energy to get there. For in the valley Driver can talk to me there, for there isn't very many distractions, so I can hear him more clearly. And that is where we are heading today, to the Valley of Refreshment, leading the caravan of followers, as we travel the Road to Dementia Town, Keeping our Shiny Sides Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless.         

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A fitting farewell.

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