Saturday, May 29, 2021

Colors of life.

Precious to me

What am I learning, while being a caregiver to Sweetie? One thing I know for sure, that life is not what I wish it could be, for it is what it will be. 

This morning picture is a good example of that. This is what retirement looks like. For what it is, is a couple struggling with Dementia, and if you didn't know that, just another couple out enjoying themselves on the golf course. 

This picture is an example of an Easter Egg moment. In it you can see us as we are, enjoying a day out on the golf course.

For it seems to me, that as Sweetie fades, I get more focused on what my purpose in her life is. I am to love, care, protect and cherish her. For as her vessel fails, I'm there to make sure, her heart is well taken care of. 


Friday was just another day on the calendar. We had our early awakening, early shower, and the likes. The only difference is, we had another bowel movement, twice in two days. I was happy to say the least. 

I don't know if what we are now eating for breakfast helps, but I know I'm not going to change anything. I found a box of bran flakes, non raisin, and added that to our cereal mix. Along with insure on her cereal and I mix what is left over with prune juice. It taste good, kinda. Anyway, until further developments, I'm going to continue this meal for now and into the future. 

I have to be on guard at meal times now. Sweetie will do "things" that if I'm not watching will make messes. She has tried to pour her drink on bread, sitting on the table. Or she will pick up her plate and head for the bedroom. I know she doesn't understand when I get in between her and the direction she is going. There are times when it is easier for me to let her go, and just retrieve her dishes later. 

Had what is becoming a normal morning. After breakfast, she goes back to bed, and when I'm about to leave, go and wake her one last time so she can come with me. 

When I get her into the car, I buckle her in, tell her that she is safe and won't fall out of the car. A kiss, and then I get in and off we go. 

Got my string back to 5 days in a row with a par. Sweetie is now at a new normal of running out of steam around the 7th hole. I can just see it in her face, and her head starts to nod forward, and her eyes look heavy. I know she's a trooper, and will stay with me and I her. 

Driver is slowing down these days, giving me more time to enjoy the scenery as we drive by. Not in a big hurry these days. It seems that there are more flowers, more colors in the fields as we pass by. I just want to drink in the colors of life as they pass by, for we know fall will come, and the colors will fade, but not now. Let us enjoy what we have now. As we continue our journey down the Road to Dementia Town, Keeping our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless. 

1 comment:

Mitch McVeigh said...

Good luck my friend. I just lost my sweetly. He was 84. I’d give anything for another day. Cherish these days that you have with your Sweetie!

A fitting farewell.

When we were young. I've been rummaging around and found this picture of Sweetie and me. We had been married for about a year when this...