Sunday, May 30, 2021

Morning having two strikes.

When life was still simple

When life was simple. I thought when I retired and started to share my life with Sweetie on a full time bases, I thought it would be simple. 

No worries, no cares, just her and I living together, doing as we pleased. How I wish that was true. It is no where near that. Just getting up in the morning, knowing what is ahead, and yet, not knowing what is waiting in the weeds of our living today. 

Knowing that she will never get better, knowing that it is a waiting game doesn't take any of the stress away of what we are going through. Plus all the other normal pressures of life, pushing in and wanting their share of attention. 


I spied Sweetie early in the morning and found that she was awake. She was moving around in bed long before the sun was up, long before I was even ready for her to be up. 

I kept an eye on her and waited. When she was getting out of bed, I went to meet her. If she was up, it was time to get her going. 

This meant a long morning for her, and I wasn't sure what it meant for me either. 

Then the text came. My caregiver couldn't make it. She had emergency which I totally understood, now what? 

With the morning having two strikes on it, I was thinking what else could go wrong? 

After stripping and making the bed, put in a load of washing, I went and check on Sweetie. She had left the dining room chair and was asleep on her favorite chair. 

Knowing these things; 1) she was awake way too early, 2) what she needed was sleep, and 3) she was safe in the house with me being gone.  Put my clubs in Tweety's trunk, and headed for the course. 

I have to tell you, it was nice to drive the 'vette, with her top down, sun shining, and alone. Had a good half round, and then the wheels came off on the last 3 holes. Keep my days of pars going, Day 5 and that was something I needed to salvage out of my game that day. 

I had watched Sweetie move from the living room to her safe spot, the bedroom. When I got home, checked in on her and she was still asleep. So, I went to the kitchen, made a sandwich, grab a coke, and turned on TV. When she got up and came in, I headed her to the bathroom, the afternoon check up. Glad to report that I found we were 3 for 3, as the BM count goes. 

The rest of the day was somewhat normal for us. Accept it is getting harder to get her to want to go for a ride in the car. I was able to get her going and we did our mall crawl, a drove and found the Buffalo were out grazing, 

Got home and finished the day in style. The light blocking drapes arrived and I put them up. What a difference they make. Now, I hope, they will allow Sweetie to resume some normal, better sleep. Time will tell. 

Driver knows about the attempts to keep things on a balance and somewhat normal bases. For, as He navigates the curves that come to us, I trust He will keep us safely moving down the Road to Dementia Town, Keeping our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless. 

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