Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial day.

Happy Memorial Day.

Something different. This is the vest I had made, using my old Navy Squadron patches as a reminder of my service and those that I served with. Those few month of my life have created a history in me that still influences me today. 

During those too few days, I did things that I'd never thought possible, never imagined, and would shape many of the things I do today. I'm very thankful for my time in the Navy. 


What a week we have had. Some of the new behaviors that Sweetie is now developing, the slow energy drain, and then on the other side, she is now having regular bowl movements this week. She is eating less again, so that can contribute to her lower energy levels. 

Got the drapes and put them up right away. What a difference they make. I was amazed at how much light they block. It will even make going to bed at a normal time easier. 

With daylight savings, the evenings last so long, that going to bed when it is still light out, may confuse Sweetie. Now, all I have to do is pull the drapes close, and Wa Laa, its dark. 

This morning was the first test to see if she would sleep in later than what she has been doing. And yes, she did sleep longer than she has been lately. Will it work from now on, I can only hope so. 

It was also shower and shampoo day for her. She did well at the beginning. It was after I shampooed her hair, when she went limp, and down. Everything went OK, let her rest, got her up and finished washing her. Because of that is happening more often, I've ordered a bath chair. So next time, she will be seated and I won't have to struggle to keep her safe in the shower. 

At breakfast, she has begun to put a spoon full of cereal from the bowl to the plate where I put her toast. Sunday, she took the bananas out of the cereal on put them on the toast. I had to interrupt her movement, and had her take a bite of the toast and banana. It was as if she was caught in some kind of cycle, not knowing what she was doing, and if I didn't break it, she may have put the whole bowl of cereal on the toast. She also is now stirring her milk, just because. So, now I have to monitor her, let her do what she is doing, and try to make sure she still eats.  

Over all we had a good day while driving with my Driver. Things could of turned for the worse and we could of ended up off the Road to Dementia Town, in a ditch, needing a tow. But Driver is too good for that to happen. He was able to keep us heading in the right direction, Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless.   


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