Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Watching her eat.

Married for life. 

The winds kicked up yesterday, fortunately after our golf outing. It blew pretty good. The plants were dancing in the wind, especially the trees. It wasn't the gentle waltz of a breeze, it the twist and shout of rock and roll. Of all the weather conditions, I think wind is the worse. It can take a bright and beautiful day, and without changing anything, accept the blowing wind, and ruin the day. We'll see what is in store for us as we move through it. 

I keep telling myself that Sweetie is in her last year with me. I wonder if it is just wishful thinking, a hopeful heart that is yearning to be free of this heavy burden. I am so split on this. 

Those of us who are old enough to remember D-Day, the invasion of Europe and how the weather affected the time of the attack. Sometimes I feel that that is where I am on this journey. Knowing that the time is near, yet, it keeps moving farther and farther away.

So, I keep going, writing my joys and sorrows, my expectations and remorse, knowing where the journey is going and wishing we were there now. Like the kids in the backseat, "Are we there now?" is the question that is bouncing in both my head and heart.


Our anniversary morning. Watching Sweetie on the Cam, I see that she is awake. As I greet her, I also tell her that it is our wedding anniversary, 34 years. At first she seems to know what I'm saying, then she tells me about her husband. And the day begins. 

She is in a lot of pain now in the morning when I get her up. Need to spend time holding her so she can gain her balance. Then holding her hands, slowly guiding her into the bathroom for our morning ritual. Then out for breakfast. 

I found the Muppet Show, on the Disney channel. It is a good mix of adult and child entertainment. Sweetie seems to enjoy the show, so I turn that on for her while I prepare our breakfast. 

Finding that she is taking longer to eat her meals, and if I get up and just leave her alone at the table, she will finish her meal. It is when she gets up and leaves and comes back, that is the clue that she is done eating. 

Watching her eat can be somewhat humorous. I cut her sandwich in half and she will then take a bit from one and then again on the other. Or with a cookie, she will munch around the cookie, to the point she will have a small center piece left over, and be done with it, and not want to eat that small center. Just another quark of behavior of the Demented mind. 

We ended our day in the best possible way, which is my reward, sitting on the couch and getting our cuddle time in. 

From sunrise to sunset, we move down the Road to Dementia Town. Driver at the wheel, knowing that He will keep us safe and secure, no matter the weather. As we go, Keeping our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless.   

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