Sunday, June 6, 2021

Finding joy in foot washing.

Still lovers.

How can it be, still lovers. We are. She is the love of my life, and each day now grows more precious to me. Because I am not the author of the days, or the holder of the calendar, each day draws a special meaning. 

I know that she will long be gone in her mind, before her body gives up. So, when she looks at me, or gets the words out correctly, I know these are special, more precious then yesterday, or last week, or even last year. 

Knowing that her days are slipping away I have to find the joy in each and every one of them. 


It seems to be her habit now, to wake early. I'm not worried about her getting up and walking about, it is just I know that she needs more sleep then she is getting. Because of that, I now just get her up, and change her, then back to bed and she will go back to sleep. Simple solutions to simple problems. 

When it was time to get her up, I thought, it is going to be shower day. Eagerly looking forward to see how her takes to the shower chair. 

She seemed to be more sensitive to the water, or it was me, not sure, so I slowed things down. Got her wet, and shampooed her hair. She kept her head down, and wasn't totally happy about what I was doing. One of the things that I was able to get done, first in a long time, was to wash her feet. With her sitting on the chair, she didn't have to balance while I was washing one foot then the other. Finding joy in foot washing, who would of know? 

Saturday is a free day for me. One of my caregivers is coming in to stay with Sweetie while I get out and play golf unencumbered. 

Met 3 young bloods on the first tee. One, a hard charger and most experienced. One a nice guy, plays well, and the last a novice to the game. Good company, and a good mix of players. Had a good round, me and the hard charger tied for the lowest score. Felt I represented my generation well.  

Now comes the challenge. Came home to find the garage door open, and I thought I'd closed it when I left. It wasn't until Sweetie and myself were heading out again, when I hit the button, watched the door start down, and then twisted and went back up. It had come off its rails and was just bent to hell. 

With the help of my neighbor, we were able to get the door closed, and called the man that has worked on my garage door in the past. After 25 years, I think it is time for a new door. So, next week we'll have one installed. 

The good part of the story, is that we have a car that isn't stuck in the garage, and that it didn't fall on the corvette. Not sure where the blessing is in this, I'm sure there is one. Like a new garage door, which I know we need. Its all about the timing. 

Timing is what my Driver is all about. What seems to be a delay, is meant to slow me down, to avoid a trouble brewing in the future. Driver knows what is ahead, and I have to trust Him to get us through these rough spots on the Road to Dementia Town, motoring along, Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless. 

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