Sweetie having a good day.
This morning in one of my meditations, the question was asked, "Do you want to love God through your work?". Didn't think much about the opening. It went on talking about a piano turner and doing God's work. I have a good friend who is a piano turner, and I thought of him immediately. It went on how being a turner means you have an ear for doing that work, which is a talent that God has given him. So, because of the gift of the talent, and by doing what that talent is being used for, he was loving God through the talent that was given to him.
The idea that doing something that God has given me the gift for is lost in the daily doing of life. I think I've found that gift in caring for Sweetie. It is the gifts of caring, of mercy and love.
It seemed that for all my life, I had always been looking out of #1, me. I wanted to lead the parade, score the winning goal, present the most impressive speech, hit the hole in 1, and many other goals that right now, would only count once, when it happened. Then it would be just a memory.
Being Sweetie's caregiver is something that is everyday. I don't get to sit back and say, "Yesterday was great because I did..." The only reason it was great wasn't because of what I did, it was great because Sweetie and I made it through another 24 hours. A day of less sundowners, less misery, more smiles, more laughs. That is what makes a day in the life of Dementia, a happy and good day.
I know that my attitude adjustment didn't happen just because I wanted it to happen, it is only through that invisible hand of God that made that adjustment. I sure didn't want this job, I have it anyway. Since I have it, I might as well do the best job I can.
Yesterday, we did have a good day. I was watching a Careblazers video on what to do with a LO with Dementia. Dusting was one of the things suggested. I've been meaning to clean and dust my office for years. You could write your name on any flat surface in there.
We got busy, brought in a card table, emptied my desk surfaces, got the spray polish out and a couple of hand towels and went at it. Through out the "I don't know how to do that", and much guidance, I can say, I'm typing on a very clean and polished desk. Not only my desk, but book shelves that are now their original color, not the gray/brown dusty colors. We even hung a couple of pictures. What a great day. Many Easter Eggs.
Is today going to as great? I don't know, I do know that by my caring of and for Sweetie, I'm doing what God has prepared me for. I have such confidence in that, He has given me the keys to the car, and I've got the Shinny Side Up as we drive down the road to Dementia town. Oh yea, may you keep your Shinny Side Up, too. God Bless.