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Sweetie and her "Little Boy". |
Maybe I should count my lucky stars that I have week has gone like that. I know being busy helps, facing down giants, getting things done help. There are times when I just want to sit on the couch and become a couch potato and yet I know I can't. Monotony can be the same trap as being too busy. Sometimes I wish I could find a balance to it. Isn't that what we caregivers would like? With Sweetie living here, the balance seems to be wavering all the time. Those days of sundowers, depression and fear are balanced by the days when all that I'm doing for her lines up and we have a great day.
Yesterday was her dentist appointment to get her teeth cleaned. I was concerned that she would panic and cause a scene. From the time of extra waiting time for her Dental Hygienist, I was on pins and needles. Knowing that she has a very short time period during times like these. The good thing was her Hygienist knows this and was out telling us what was causing the delay.When dealing with anything that involves more than one human being, there seems to be difficulties that can't be avoided.
When we did get back to the "room", Sweetie did what I hoped she do. Her body overruled her brain, know what to do and did it. Into the chair, opened her mouth, and the cleaning began.
I had the opportunity to have a live adult person to talk to so I rattled on and on. Getting adult responses back which sounded like music to my ears. Yes, I can hear adult conversations on TV, but its a monologue, and not a conversation. Being a caregiver is sometime like always having a monologue with myself. Sweetie can't get me an intelligent answer, she may hear what I'm saying to her, her response back to me is so.... I think you all know what I'm trying to say. It is sad and yet it is better than nothing.
The same goes for when she starts telling me her story about "Those Boys over there." Always the same, always the tears, the quivering chin, and finishing with taking them to God. Its when she is in this story telling mode, I will encourage her to keep telling me things in the story knowing the end anyway.
Today we are going to see her Neurologist for the first time in over 2 years. I needed a letter certifying that she can't make decisions for herself to get a POA enforced. Because they hadn't seen her for a long period of time, they want to make that decision with a visit. I thought it would be good for us to see them again. Maybe make plans to have a yearly check up, won't hurt.
Still looking for a respite place for Sweetie. The new place we visited the other day hasn't called me back, and I kinda thought that would happen, so I''m not stressed, yet. I'm letting my Driver take care of this. You don't know just how hard it is for me to sit and do nothing. Being a man, male by birth, I want to fix things now, get answers now, and that isn't how this world works. Just the fact I'm taking care of Sweetie doesn't make others in the equation equal with the same stress that I have. They have there own stress and I may have just added to theirs. If I was driving, I'd be flooring it, and running through red lights. Good thing my Driver knows better.
If you hadn't figured it out by now, the dentist visit was the big Easter Egg of the day. There were some that were harder to find, they were there and I found them.
The sky is turning red, and I hear the garage door going up. You know what that means? Time to head for the car, I call shotgun! Find out what tunes my Driver has for us to listen to today. Putting on our sunglasses so we can look cool as we drive down the road to Dementia Town, and as always, keeping our Shinny Side Up. Hey you, who are you behind those sunglasses? Are you keeping your Shinny Side Up? Let me know, write a comment and let me know how your doing. Lets make this a conversation.
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