Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Check the "Good Day" box.

My caddie and me.

What do you think, is she a keeper? 

Kinda of a rhetorical question, don't you think? Of course it is, and yes, she is a keeper, and she is my keeper. Through it all, I've learned to take care of her, to charm her, and to make her feel important. 

Like a child, she needs positive reinforcement. Anything to make her feel she is adding to the enjoyment of the day. Simple things, like giving her the task of putting away the two forks after washing them. Or opening the refrigerator door when I could do the it without her. If I didn't ask her for help, she wouldn't have anything to do. Give her a non-stressful chore, help her to get it done, and she is happy to be doing something that helps me. I feel that this is a huge part of the care and nurturing of Sweetie and her own battle with Dementia. 

I feel that I am blessed to be caring for her these days. For the things that I've learned, the system of doing things for and with her. To spend the quality time with her, and most important ingredient in the mix, the ability to shortcut those emotional upheavals. The daily use of Hemp Oil and the Stress Relief Lotion. 


I won't say the blinds are working, and I won't say they aren't. She still wakes up too early, but at the same time, she is staying in bed, trying to go back to sleep. Somewhat of a win. If it wasn't for the Nanny Cam, I would never know what is going on while she is out of sight. 

Put another check in the "Good Day" box. 

She was cheerful when I got her up, willing to get into the shower, and even helpful when I was drying her off and getting her dressed. We even had a couple of good conversation, two or three words that made sense. 

She has been wetting through her night pads, and I wonder if that is the reason she is waking up early. She is cold and wet. Now comes the question, do I cut back on her liquid intake so she won't get wet, because she seems to be getting enough liquids, or keep giving her what she is now getting? Or is this just another phase of Dementia? Time will be the judge. 

Yesterday was one of those days that I had to ask myself, is she getting better, or is this the high point just before she does another dive down to a new level of the disease. Whatever, I'm going to enjoy it while it last. 

Driver lets me know that each and everyday is special. He has hidden Easter Eggs along the road, at the rest areas for me to find. As we travel down the Road to Dementia Town, with  our eyes open watching for Easter Eggs along the way and at the same time, Keeping our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless. 

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