Thursday, June 3, 2021

Words popped out.

Wearing our twinsies hats. 

Hello again, from somewhere where we are this morning, from where we were yesterday. 

We seem to have found a pleasant harbor to be in. Thou the seas maybe choppy and white caps all around us, the gentleness of this harbor time is well welcomed. 

Not sure if it is giving Sweetie her happy medicine directly, instead of on her food, or the blinds, that are allowing her get more sleep, or the showering in the morning. Or the combination of all of it. Or is it just where she is, at this point of time on this journey of ours. Any or all, it doesn't matter, what matters is we are having good days. Even if the cycle changes, I will continue this regimentation, for it seems to work best. 

Sweetie is attempting to talk to me more and more, opening up with sounds, little words, and a lot of expression. She still gets the phrase of "I love you." out, and just by the expression on her face I can tell she knows what it means. 

I just realized something, a fact that is helping me do what I'm doing. Without the help from any of the kids here, without any training, not only am I doing a good job in taking care of Sweetie, I'm loving taking care of her. 

I came to that conclusion yesterday. As I was talking to my Driver, those words popped out. My heart confirmed them at the same time. I love taking care of my Sweetie. 


Sweetie had another "wet" wake up. After watching her, I made up my mind to get her and change her. It was the right thing to do. When I did, I put on her pullups, and then back to bed she went and to sleep again. 

When it was time to get her going, I went in and she had a smile on her face as big and the Sandia's. Warm and welcoming she was and seemed happy to see me.  

Now that I only give her cereal and insure for breakfast, she seems to be eating more. Could it be that too much food to choose from could be too much for her. Whatever the reason, she is eating more and that is the good thing. I have learned that I can leave her at the table to finish, and do some chores. Dishes, making the bed, and brushing my teeth, without her being on my hip. 

After the morning duties are completed and we are off to the course again. 

A beautiful day, some wispy clouds, a slight breeze, and warm temperatures made for a day outdoors. We started out as a single, but by the time we got to the 4th hole, caught up with a couple of young bloods. Asked if we could join them, and our invitation was accepted.  

These guys could hit the ball like only young men can. I was able to keep up with them, and at one point out hit them. I was already having a good day, and with their competition, I had even a better day. Finished 4 over, two bogies, and one double bogie. That's 6 pars! The best round ever, and it seems I'm getting into a "zone" on my game. At this rate, I know I can shot even par someday. 

The rest of the day went the way of my round on the course. It went without a hitch. 

Oh, one more thing, her right hand is atrophying. She has almost a constant twitching of her thumb. I've started to apply Stress Relief lotion to her hand hoping she will relax just a little. Even if it doesn't help with the twitching, I know it helps her to relax, and the twitching slows down, and even goes away for a few minutes. 

"Keep doing what doing what you're doing, and I'll take care of the rest." That is the message I get from my Driver. I know He is the one that put the message in my head and heart about lovingly taking care of Sweetie. What a joy it was to hear me say that "I love taking care of her." One oversize Easter Egg was found that day. As we travel down the Road to Dementia Town, Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv ya, and God Bless. 

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