Thursday, November 25, 2021

Beans, beans that magical fruit.

Having a good day.

Having a good day. From the time this picture was taken, to today, the phrase "Having a good day." means something different than it did back then.

Back then, a good day was conversations, joking, taking a stroll, and maybe even making love at the end of the day. Today, a good day is not fighting when I try to help her, to listening to her Dementiaies, trying to understand what she is saying, to walk abouts. A good day could just mean we made it from wake up to slumber time.

Part of having a good day, is for me each day starting out in my understanding that this isn't my wife, it is my Sweetie Pie. For she stopped being my wife years ago. She is now the vessel that used to be her, and it is my responsibility to care for this vessel. It isn't her fault that she is the way she is, and I have to remember that each and every day. I have no choice in this matter. 

I know that I can do this, because I have a Higher Power guiding my steps. It is with His Grace and Mercy that I carry on each and every day.


Beans, beans, that magical fruit
The more you eat, 
the more you toot.

OMG! We have a mess this morning. It seems that beans are the magical beans within Sweetie. Last Saturday, my caregiver told me of the mess she made, and the clean-up she had to do. Well, I got to experience it firsthand.

From her waist down, in her pants, on the sheets, and covers. Knowing that it isn't her fault, and knowing that the sooner I get her in the shower and start the clean-up, the sooner it will be over. 

Sweetie doesn't understand what is happening, and by the look on her face, she just doesn't know how it got on her. It doesn't matter the how or what it is, all that matters is getting her clean, and cleaning up the rest. 

When I got a chance to think about what happen this morning that the other morning, the only thing in common is having beans for dinner. So, from now on, when she gets bound up, we will have beans for dinner, and I'll adjust the amount of intake to see if I can moderate the output. 

It rained last night, a good soaking rain. Not a hard down fall where the water just rushes to the street and out to the river. It was a nice rain that was just what we needed. There was also a dusting of snow on the Sandia's. Old Man Winter is knocking on the door.  

With the rain came colder temperatures. I'm concern for Sweetie, and will she be warm enough out on the golf course. That was answered by Sweetie herself. She is asleep at the table. She had a hard night, and isn't in anyway ready to go anywhere. In to bed with her, and I'm on my way to the course. 

By myself and with the course empty, I take the time to take some extra shots. This is a work on my swing and targeting and putting round. I did put together a couple of good holes, including a birdy on the 8th hole. 

The friend that I took for a ride yesterday, lost his phone in Tweetie, and I found it this morning. Do you know how difficult it is to get in touch with someone, when you have their phone? 

After making some calls, leaving messages, I waited for responses. It was later in the day, when his phone went off and made contact with his daughter. We made plans for them to come over and get his phone. 

In the meantime, Sweetie and me had dinner, watched our shows and when the time came headed for bed. 

It was another night of squirming for Sweetie. When it appeared that she wasn't going to go to sleep, and me not knowing what was the cause of her discomfort, I took a shot at what it could be. 

Took her to the bathroom, applied Prep H and some A&D, and back to bed where she quickly settled in and went to sleep. I soon followed her. 

Driver has a way of calming me. When it looked like the Road to Dementia Town was going to be a bumpy one, He found the way to smooth it out. It is just like Him to find the best lane possible for us, as we travel, Keeping Our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.   Arthur.             

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