B-day grandson #3.
Went over the our son's new home yesterday. I had ordered BBQ for lunch, to take over. Next time I know to get more. The coleslaw and beans were only touched by me and Sweetie. So, now I know what not to get. We had a great time as usual.
DIL and I have a great deal in common politically, and because Sweetie isn't a good sounding board, I can have a chance to express many things, we talk and listen, and then repeat. Needless to say, I had a wonderful time, and Sweetie seemed to enjoy being with the boys.
#3 grandson's birthday is close and so we took a card and gift. He is into knives, so that is what we got him. His mom said that I knew what he wanted, that I "was in his wheel house." Scratch one up for the Grands.
There are times when I just want to cry out, "When will this end?". I would love it all to come back to a normal that is wonderfully dull. A time of just being two people that can be apart from each other without the drama. To turn back the clock and be what we used to be. Cannot do that, for you see, one thing I know, is that life doesn't have a reverse gear. I'm not Superman who can spin the world backwards to save my Sweetie.
I can only go where the river of life takes me. From the snow melt, down through the gorge, over the rapids of life, through the lake of life, and finally down to the ocean where all will end.
I need to talk to Driver about that, but I know what He will say, that today has enough worries of its own, so why borrow trouble from tomorrow? It isn't that I want to know, it is the hope of getting through what I know is ahead. Like a parent that want to do the best for their child, at the same time, not knowing just what is the best good. Is it for the child, or is it best for the parent? For me, I'm doing what is best for my child, my Sweetie, knowing that she is on a different river than me. I can only help from the shore, with a long pole, hoping to keep her out of trouble, knowing that I can't stop the flow. Driver's comforting hand is on my shoulder, and I relax. We are on the Road to Dementia Town, cruising with our Shiny Side Up, and that is good. Care to join our caravan? All you have to know is that we are on the Road to Dementia Town, and just Keep Your Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.