Monday, June 21, 2021

Turn! Turn! Turn!

New haircut, Sweetie Pretty in Pink.

Do you know what I go through each and everyday? I've often wondered that. Not, you my reading audience, those who tell me what a wonderful job I'm doing with my wife. I think it is like anything else in life, when you see, or know of someone that is going through a trial that you wouldn't wish on a best enemy, on how well they are performing, holding up, and still seem to make a life for themselves. 

Remembering the Byrd's song "Turn! Turn! Turn!" A time for all seasons, a time to be born, and a time to die. When I think about the song and the Book of Ecclesiastics, that there is a pattern to life. From the time of the egg and sperm to that day of my last breath, my life was to be lived by these simple patterns. 

Just what is that pattern? To be born, to grow, to learn, to take what I've learned and do what is the next right thing ahead of me. Right now, that next right thing is taking care of the woman that I love as we enter those final days of our lives. To make the most of the moments we have left. 


Sunday was like most of our days. Sweetie sleeping in, me watching church on TV. Seeing that she was awake, I went to get her. 

She finds church the best TV of the week. I can tell, for she isn't just staring off into nothingness, she is paying attention. Being a preacher's kid, I think that part of her memory is very active. She would tell me how their Dad would quiz them at dinner about his sermon. To see if they had paid attention to his teaching. 

After church, it was time to get the mower out. Just a couple of weeks ago, Sweetie would come out and help push the mower around the lawns, to be with me. Now she just wants to sit and watch TV, or go back to bed. Making sure the house is secure, time to get the stuff out and get the yards done. It was hot, I'm sweating, and the grass is, as it always does, looks good after it is mowed. Immediate gratification when I mow the lawns, makes it worth while. 

After that, we went for a walk about, and little grocery shopping, and home. 

Sweetie is being in a better mood in the afternoons and we get along better. It seems that the mornings are for her just trying to center herself, find who and where she is. It seems that I'm the only thing that is constant in her life right now, as it should be. 

I shouldn't be surprised by this understanding, for me and Driver are the ones that see and talk to her on a daily bases. Me, in her eyes and ears, and He is in her heart. As we travel, I'm needing His guidance more and more. He assures me that the Road to Dementia Town seems longer then it really is, that we will get there soon enough, so sit back and let the road take us where we need to be. For we are traveling down the Road to Dementia Town, as always, Keeping our Shiny Side Up. C'ya, Luv Ya, and God Bless.


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